marketing in the news ii

Get there with UberUK

Uber is a new age taxi service, that started in 2009 and has grown in size ever since. They changed the game by making getting a ride, quite literally, "as easy as a push of a button". They innovated an industry that seemed that it would stay the same forever and used their disruptiveness to their marketing advantage. They provided an easier, more convenient way to get people from point A to point B.

When Uber started they mostly used below the line advertising, as well as relying on the people to spread the word. In February, Uber decided that they wanted to do a "big brand refresh", they wanted to change their image and how the community saw them. With this, they altered their logo and made improvements to their app to make it more user-friendly.

Uber's main focus of its "Get there with Uber" campaign is to go from being seen "as the savior to your night out" to showing the people that there many more reasons to use Uber. One way Uber has started on this image change is starting in food delivery.

On top of getting into the food delivery game, Uber is starting to really focus on the riders and the drivers. They want to tell their stories of why they're using Uber. They picked several people based solely on their stories and are using those stories to help market Uber to a bigger demographic. They're also encouraging the riders to take and post selfies of where they're going for their next adventure, as well as encouraging the drives to post pictures and share their goals and ambitions. Uber teamed up with Arena Media and got help with media buying to help with their campaigning.

The main marketing challenge that Uber is facing is that they are not only changing who they are marketing to, they are also changing how they are marketing. Whereas they mostly relied on word of mouth to spread the word about their business they are now turning to social media to help promote their "brand change".

The main thing that I learned from this is that sometimes it's necessary to take that leap and redefine who you are as a company. And that it's okay to do so. Everything in this world is changing so quickly that in order to stay afloat big changes are needed. I feel that knowing this will be useful to the class because knowing that it's okay to change your image and the way you market your product will help with coming up with ideas for our client.


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